Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dulcolax® - The Gentle, Predictable Relief of Constipation

Almost everyone has suffered from constipation at some point. It could be due to travel for work or vacation, stress, lack of fibre in the diet, lack of exercise and many other reasons you may come across in our daily lives. Statistics on Malaysians who endure constipation showed a prevalence of between 12% to 19%. I was glad I came for this health event, mostly talked about constipation problem suffered by the many others be it among the kids or adults themselves.

I've gained so much knowledge about health, beauty and wellness at the event, and now I'm able to share this related topics on my Evergreen Love Blog. Constipation is more common than some people may believe. Although constipation is a common problem, it is not treated all the time because there are many myths and misconceptions about constipation and laxatives.  A recent study sponsored by Dulcolax, demonstrate that these myths are not evidence based.

Dulcolax® is a Laxative, with more than 60 years of experience in the market, Dulcolax® tablet has provided predictable, overnight and gentle relief for constipation in more than 50 countries worldwide.  

“Dulcolax® is gentle on the stomach because it acts only where is needed, at the bowel, and is clinically known to provide safe and gentle relief of constipation”, said Ms. Carmenza Alarcon, Head of Consumer Healthcare Malaysia & Singapore.

Ms. Carmenza also added “Consumers can also understand more about constipation from our dedicated global website whereby we feature useful facts, solutions, quick tips as well as myths surrounding the use of laxatives.”

Many myths surround the laxatives and its usage, including the belief that laxative may cause addiction. “There is no pharmacological basis for laxatives addiction although sometimes they might be misused”, said Ms Sunita Derksen, Medical Affairs Lead Boehringer Ingelheim South East Asia & South Korea.

Present at the talk to debunk myths and misconceptions of laxative usage were local actress Yasmin Hani as well as health and fitness guru, Kevin Zahri who both shared their personal views on alleviating constipation. Together with Dr Sunita Derksen and Carmenza, members of the media were enlightened on the subject of constipation as well as the usage of laxatives.

Dulcolax® is available in both tablets and suppositories to cover different needs. Available in Dulcolax® Tablets 5mg, packs of 30 tablets and box of 200 tablets for gentle, predictable relief within 8-12 hours. Taken before bedtime, and be at ease the following morning. For fast relief, Dulcolax® comfort shaped suppositories 10mg (Adults) & 5mg (Children) that relieves constipation within 15-30 minutes. Dulcolax® can be purchased from major pharmacies nationwide.

Myths & Misconception of Laxative
1.      “A diet lacking in fibre intake can cause constipation. Constipation can be treated by increasing dietary fibre content & dietary fibre supplements.” Although a fibre-rich diet helps prevent constipation, increased fibre intake can worsen the situation for those with severe constipation.

2.      “Increasing fluid intake can alleviate constipation.”
There is no evidence to suggest increasing fluid intake alleviates constipation. Increasing fluid intake can only successfully treat constipation when there is evidence of severe dehydration.

3.      “A sedentary lifestyle contributes to constipation. Constipation can be treated by increasing physical activity.”
While older people find that being inactive could lead to or worsen constipation, there are usually other contributing factors eg. Medication, medical status, diet.

4.      “During lactation, women cannnot take laxatives.”
Laxatives like Dulcolax can be used during lactation as neither active or derivatives component are excreted into mother's milk.

5.      “Patients could become addicted to laxatives.”
There is no potential for addiction to laxatives although they may be misused by psychiatric patients.

6.      “Women get constipated before their period.”
Despite hormones playing only a small part in constipation, some women find their menstrual cycle affects how often they go to the toilet.

7.      “Laxatives can cause abdominal cramps.”
Well-known laxatives like Dulcolax has a comfort coating layer and will only work where it is needed. This reliable formula is safe that even lactating mothers could use it.

8.      “Laxatives help with weight loss.”
Taking a laxative where there is no need for constipation relief will merely result in the loss of water, salts and nothing more.

9.      “Laxatives can lead to a recurrence of constipation.”
There is no evidence that constipation comes back as soon as you stop taking laxatives for constipation.

10.  “You have to be natural to be gentle.” 
      Dulcolax has a comfort coating, is gentle on the stomach and only works where it is needed.

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