I finally chose to support Malaysia vs. Singapore offer on the Cashback Blog although Sg Co. was the 1st one who approached me before M'sia. I always love my country Malaysia very much, supporting them in anyway I can and although he's a Malay, but he understands my requirements more than the Singaporean. I guess that's what called the Malaysian blood and gene naturally flows through our blood in anyway, without wasting time we just clicked and agreed for this win-win consensus ad idem collaboration agreement. Rambo always teased me that I was not keen to write for a few hundred dollars blog like this, but that's not true.
I value every RM be it RM30 for Twitter sharing offered to me also, provided I was free to do it at that time. I remember when the Chinese guy from bloggers page approached me with this Twitter sharing, he told me need to post up by 5pm. I replied him "Not now, I'm busy now. If I can do it by 5pm, I'll send all the screenshots as proof to you after sharing it on my Twitter." And such a coincidence I've completed my own projects completely, I managed to share it for him and he thanked me so many times for supporting him on that.

I never rush for the payment also because it's a small fee that I know eventually he'll pay me sooner or later. To me, writing a blog takes too much of my time so it better be real good of a great blog to share about only then I'll spend my precious time doing it for every parties including myself. I didn't looked down on small or big fees, my only concern is whether I have time to do it nicely for them or not. That's more important because my thousands of dollars project came 1st as the top priority, others came in secondary when I have the time with good mood to boost.
Haha...Rambo always said a Piscean Editor like me needed a lot of inspirations like the 'Ngai Sut Ka' musician to write, creating new fantasies plus ideas and expressing my deep thoughts from inner to outer descriptions of the stories from my life experiences. My frequent travels to all around the world, my corporate working days and 40 years journey of my life did inspired me a lot to write blogs easily but it's just that I didn't have much time to share all about it yet. Too bad, as I was torn between two lovers of making more money so that I can live more comfortably, shop and travel more, but at the same time I also love to write.
Haha...'Zem Mou Leong Tau Lei', meaning to say that the needle had only one head, one hole for sewing purpose so if you want more money, you definitely have less time and if you need more time for pleasure, then less money coming in for sure. Life is made up by choices, I have no regrets so far and if I needed more time, then I only need to forgo any new projects only. I just told Rambo we have spent about RM40,000 on travel last year in 2015, 'Sem Tung' heartache of your hard-earned money bo?He replied me, "Not at all, as long you're happy I'm happier to see you enjoy your life. Money earned is to be spend on pleasures you're passionate about, not to decorate our bank account."
Thank God he answered me that, or I'll feel so guilty about not giving him the chance to buy his Mercedes Benz in his 30's that time. He told me Chew, one of his business partner also told him recently, driving a Merz didn't give him any happiness pleasure also, sometimes he felt quite lonely to work alone and he missed those working days in corporate ladder with Rambo in those days. He may have 2 boys, staying in big house but sometimes, this is not the exact happiness that he's looking for. I only have one advise to him, "He needs to stay 'Zi Zuk', contented deep within him only then life will turned out to be wonderfully perfect for him."
If you're not happy, grateful and thankful for the life you're having, then change or alter every plans that you have in mind to Plan B, C or D. There's always coffee, tea or me, so pick your choice accordingly. Take your time, slow and steady. Not necessary you have money, you need to change BMW Z4 to fulfil your alter ego. Yea, I do understand that people can be very 'Yin Sat' realistic as to see what car you're driving, where you live and what you're wearing to judge you on your financial status, but all that 'Tung Tung' not important at all. The bigger car you drive, the bigger angpows the youngsters expected to receive from you real materialistically. The kids and youth these days need to be taught on basic manners and CNY tradition.
This CNY 2016, I heard Rambo's nieces shamelessly asking the elders for RM100 big angpows esp. when Sis Toto mentioned to them, "Ask your Jiu Jiu, he's the richest one." I quickly replied her, "That's not true, he's working so hard like a Bull and he's very thrifty to himself. Buying a new short pant for CNY also he's not keen to spend for himself so you can imagine how he can saved all his money for his future old age retirement." I reminded him that the Buddha says 'Living in the present and never plan too far ahead' by giving him some examples like our EPF uncertainty issue now and what's gonna happen to Malaysia in future with the current leaders in our government who are making our lives getting harder, shorter with too much unnecessary stress and worries.
Rambo has been telling me that the reality is very 'Chan Yan' cruel one where the real society lies, people will only respect you more if you have money. And many out there when they have benefits they can gained from you, they'll butt-smooching you like crazy. He gave me a good example of all the malay colleagues under his team, he didn't give a damn to Japanese Leader who asked him not to give so high marks for their year end bonus appraisals but he still gave them what they deserved because obviously he needs to take good care of the Malays who earned 'Kecil-Miao' salary only and they have 2, 3 kids in tow also. He also gave good recommendations for the Malays to travel Japan for better career advancement because they really know how to respect him in the company for years liao.
Sometimes I heard Sis Toto told me, "Nowadays, no money really cannot survived in this society" because from my thorough observation, the way they spend their money is like opening a water pipe like that. I know she likes to help, but not giving everyone money like you can print USD anytime you wanted to, that's what I told her. Rambo also the same, he gave all his RM20 to one old man who collects old newspaper from our residence but the old man said he cannot accept his good intention, he only needed old newspaper and carton boxes for his daily living. And so, he took all my shoes boxes(RM40-100+), newspaper that I can redeem RM28 through 'Karang Guni' to help him whenever he can and I'm totally fine with that.
I guess their kind generosity of the Lim Family runs in their blood along the line. They always liked to help, contribute and in the end, God treated them good too. Let's go back to my original story above, Ridz is very nice, courteous and professional. This is
the kinda leader I liked to collaborate with, hopefully for more and long term
collaborations with him in time to come. Nowadays, not very often I met anyone who can
be persistent and consistent like him. Someone who really reads and following my blog as he knows my pattern of writing as well. Since November when I couldn't attend his event as I was away for my South Africa
holiday, he keeps following up from December till January 2016 if I'm still keen to explore their website. I finally agreed to
take up his project after much consideration.
Actually I'm very busy recently till I got
so lazy to update my blog also, but then cashback issue like this is quite
interesting for me and my circle of friends too so I decided to share it on my
blog since most of us have contributed so much on online shopping. Imagine,
sometimes in a month we can end up spending thousands of dollars purchasing
travel package, clothings, branded handbags etc. and through cashback, we can
get back some cash returns for future purchases, why not? Especially in the long run, we earned back a little just like Tone Excel phone package fantastically.
Talking about mobile phone Simcard package, I used to pay RM150-200 since the days I started using handphone back then with the 'Motorola Tupperware Handphone.' My stepdad have 2 of it, he's using the one like a brief case type and another one he gave it to me. I was only 18 years old back then, I met my old classmate Mun Mun at the bus stop and she asked me what kinda job I was doing having a mobile phone like a big boss. Haha...I told her it was given to me, no need to buy and it cost RM5000+ at that time when mobile phone was considered a luxury item back then. After Motorola came out the new latest model with the sophisticated flip type one cost RM2200, Rambo bought it for me.
Thinking it back, the phone company charged us too much liao. They're making so much money from all of us with every little charges here and there. Thank God, now I need not pay any handphone charges liao after I joined Rambo's team as member and earning about RM90-100+ by sharing with family and friends under the referral programme. For Maslan and the others who did full-time, they can earned milion dollars from it easily now but they worked really hard for their money and they totally deserved from it. I really respect their positive attitude doing online business where they need not meet up clients to achieve their golden dreams.
Thinking it back, the phone company charged us too much liao. They're making so much money from all of us with every little charges here and there. Thank God, now I need not pay any handphone charges liao after I joined Rambo's team as member and earning about RM90-100+ by sharing with family and friends under the referral programme. For Maslan and the others who did full-time, they can earned milion dollars from it easily now but they worked really hard for their money and they totally deserved from it. I really respect their positive attitude doing online business where they need not meet up clients to achieve their golden dreams.
I guess the online business or online shopping is making its sensation such a big hit everywhere. China has achieved its success and glory with billion dollars profits and Malaysia has joined the million dollar club as well since so many Malaysians also like to shop till we drop. Anyhow, I still think that we should shop and earn money smartly at the same time. Never judge a book by its cover, always respect everyone the same level of respects, even for the young ones besides the older ones, be nice and compassionate for the unfortunate ones as they needed more tender loving care from us and always stay grateful+thankful for everything that we can afford not to fill our alter ego, but it's entirely to fulfil the real happiness we deeply feel inside of us.
This year CNY also I can see the real faces and personalities of humankind who are really realistic in life. Rambo's 4 Ku who's always very 'Seong Min' and 'Bei Min' attending our CNY Vegan Gathering every Cho 1 came as usual and I always respects her a lot because Sis Toto and Rambo have been telling me how kind she was to them when their father passed away. They used to have contented, well to do life with their father earning a lot but he spent all his money for parties with 'Zhu Pang Gau Yau'(Pigs & Dogs Allies). After he left, this '4 Ku Aunty' always tapau food and took good care of them. That's what makes me love her more and more as time goes by. It's the 'Guong Wan', angel & aura glow from within her that grew my true love for her.

Every year also she would asked me to give birth for a baby at least for Rambo. But last year I seriously told her nicely & honestly, Rambo was the one who's not keen 100% and I hope that she respects our decision on it. And she did, she also told me she's having back pain so I told all of the sisters and Rambo to sayang and concern her more. All of them then surrounded her, paying more attention to her health sincerely after that. Last year also, she started to give us all big angpows and this year I saw that Bro Cheong greeted her with more love and hugging her tightly while wishing her Happy CNY. Haha...So transparent that I laughed out loud humorously. I also understand the reason why he was so happy to see '4 Ku' as he was asking for angpow from everyone of us in a joking manner to give him one and he only managed to get one angpow from 4 Ku.
Obviously he was so thankful to her that he would react like this in our Hokkien CNY Drama of 2016. He felt so 'song' to receive angpows from the elderly and all of us where Sis Toto also have no eyes to see him acting so crazily like this. To me, I respects '4 Ku' real salutely for her kind generosity and sincerity towards my dear hubby and Lim Family during their humble living back then and I will treat her nicely, lovingly or helping her in any way that I'm capable with in the event she needs my help for anything. In fact when I was busy reading a magazine, she came to my seat and passed me the big angpow. So nice of her, I really appreciates that. In return, I also wished her to stay healthy forever and hoping to see her again next year for sure. May Amituofo bless her always, that's my sincere CNY wish for her. More to blog about my CNY drama sitcoms , stay tuned!
This year CNY also I can see the real faces and personalities of humankind who are really realistic in life. Rambo's 4 Ku who's always very 'Seong Min' and 'Bei Min' attending our CNY Vegan Gathering every Cho 1 came as usual and I always respects her a lot because Sis Toto and Rambo have been telling me how kind she was to them when their father passed away. They used to have contented, well to do life with their father earning a lot but he spent all his money for parties with 'Zhu Pang Gau Yau'(Pigs & Dogs Allies). After he left, this '4 Ku Aunty' always tapau food and took good care of them. That's what makes me love her more and more as time goes by. It's the 'Guong Wan', angel & aura glow from within her that grew my true love for her.
Every year also she would asked me to give birth for a baby at least for Rambo. But last year I seriously told her nicely & honestly, Rambo was the one who's not keen 100% and I hope that she respects our decision on it. And she did, she also told me she's having back pain so I told all of the sisters and Rambo to sayang and concern her more. All of them then surrounded her, paying more attention to her health sincerely after that. Last year also, she started to give us all big angpows and this year I saw that Bro Cheong greeted her with more love and hugging her tightly while wishing her Happy CNY. Haha...So transparent that I laughed out loud humorously. I also understand the reason why he was so happy to see '4 Ku' as he was asking for angpow from everyone of us in a joking manner to give him one and he only managed to get one angpow from 4 Ku.
Obviously he was so thankful to her that he would react like this in our Hokkien CNY Drama of 2016. He felt so 'song' to receive angpows from the elderly and all of us where Sis Toto also have no eyes to see him acting so crazily like this. To me, I respects '4 Ku' real salutely for her kind generosity and sincerity towards my dear hubby and Lim Family during their humble living back then and I will treat her nicely, lovingly or helping her in any way that I'm capable with in the event she needs my help for anything. In fact when I was busy reading a magazine, she came to my seat and passed me the big angpow. So nice of her, I really appreciates that. In return, I also wished her to stay healthy forever and hoping to see her again next year for sure. May Amituofo bless her always, that's my sincere CNY wish for her. More to blog about my CNY drama sitcoms , stay tuned!
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